503: Captain America: Brave New World Breakdown & Review

Richard and Sarah review and break down CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD. And since this is the 35th entry in the MCU, we’ll tell you some of the surprising Marvel films and TV shows you should brush up on before watching. This is what we wish we would have known going in. Please note that there will be minor plot spoilers, but overall they will help you enjoy the film even more.


We love behind-the-scenes nuggets, so this breakdown will include sound bytes from Kevin Feige (Executive Producer/Marvel Studios President), Anthony Mackie (Sam Wilson/Executive Producer), and Harrison Ford (President Thaddeus Ross).


Today in Star Wars History 2/12/1978


The first Expanded Universe novel, Splinter Of The Mind’s Eye by Alan Dean Foster, is published by Del Rey. Splinter Of The Mind’s Eye is written to be filmed as a low-budget sequel to Star Wars. That is why it’s set on the misty planet of Mimban. Mimban is seen onscreen in Solo: A Star Wars Story. We broke down and did a review of Splinter Of The Mind’s Eye in Episode 407.




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