368: Misty Rosas - She Has Spoken!

Misty Rosas, of The Mandalorian fame, joins us to discuss her fantastic (or should I say “Fantasmic”) career and spout wisdom as only she can! Misty played Kuiil and the Frog Lady in The Mandalorian! She shares fun behind-the-scenes production stories on set. Did you know Misty also worked at Disneyland? She was a dancing Monkey in the debut cast of Fantasmic, among many other entertainment jobs. We also get into her Yoga instructor career and how that led to the perfect line-reading that won her the job of Kuiil. She Has Spoken! Live in the YES! 


If you are joining us at Boonta Eve Cantina, you will see Misty there. She will be judging the Alderaan Idol competition, and perhaps singing herself.


Social Media: @MissMistyRosas @missmistyrosas



Today In Star Wars History: Part 1 - January through June is now available for pre-order!! Click here for all the details, packages and discounts. Sarah just finalized some of the items included in the pre-order package.



Where We Will Be


May 25, 2022: 3rd Annual Boonta Eve Cantina! Join us LIVE at Big’s Bar and Grill in Fullerton for an evening of podcasting, singing, celebrity signings and our Official Book Launch of Today in Star Wars History: Part 1 - January through June! Check out the Facebook Events for details.


May 27, 2022: Disneyland After Dark - Star Wars Nite


May 26 - May 29, 2022: Star Wars Celebration Anaheim




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Never Land on Alderaan!


Another week, another awesome episode!


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