354: Disney's ROBIN HOOD Revisited
"Oo-De-Lally" Skywalkers! It’s our ROBIN HOOD episode! Join us as we travel back to 1973 and celebrate Disney’s 21st animated feature - ROBIN HOOD. To Sarah, this was a nostalgic look back at one of her favorite childhood films. For Richard…he has never seen this movie!!! The discussion also includes helpful comments from those Skywalkers who watched us live, as well as several comments from the 100 submitted earlier in the week! ROBIN HOOD struck a nerve. Do you like these Disney film-focused episodes? Would you like us to do more? Please let us know in the comments. Sign up for the Skywalking Network Newsletter Never miss a podcast, Zoom discussion link or Pop Culture Trivia! Check out these SKYwalking NETwork Podcasts: Resilience Squadron - Sharing the adventures and challenges of disabled fans across and in the Star Wars universe Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics - Delving into each issue of the Star Wars comic series 1977-1986 The Max EFX Podcast - Ch...