
Showing posts from January, 2022

354: Disney's ROBIN HOOD Revisited

"Oo-De-Lally" Skywalkers! It’s our ROBIN HOOD episode! Join us as we travel back to 1973 and celebrate Disney’s 21st animated feature - ROBIN HOOD. To Sarah, this was a nostalgic look back at one of her favorite childhood films. For Richard…he has never seen this movie!!! The discussion also includes helpful comments from those Skywalkers who watched us live, as well as several comments from the 100 submitted earlier in the week! ROBIN HOOD struck a nerve.   Do you like these Disney film-focused episodes? Would you like us to do more? Please let us know in the comments.   Sign up for the Skywalking Network Newsletter Never miss a podcast, Zoom discussion link or Pop Culture Trivia! Check out these SKYwalking NETwork Podcasts: Resilience Squadron - Sharing the adventures and challenges of disabled fans across and in the Star Wars universe Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics - Delving into each issue of the Star Wars comic series 1977-1986 The Max EFX Podcast - Ch

353: Star Wars Home Video with Nathan P. Butler

There are numerous ways you may have heard of our guest, Nathan P. Butler. He has been podcasting for over 20 years, he has written for Dark Horse Comics’ Star Wars Tale s, and was a contributor for The Essential Atlas . Listen and learn all about his new 3-volume book set “ A Saga on Home Video: A Fan's Guide to U.S. Star Wars Home Video Releases !"   Also on this episode - first thoughts on The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 4 “The Gathering Storm,” which aired the day of our recording. This episode answered a LOT of questions! Sign up for the Skywalking Network Newsletter Never miss a podcast, Zoom discussion link or Pop Culture Trivia! Check out these SKYwalking NETwork Podcasts: Resilience Squadron - Sharing the adventures and challenges of disabled fans across and in the Star Wars universe Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics - Delving into each issue of the Star Wars comic series 1977-1986 The Max EFX Podcast - Chronicling the 35-year Special Effects film caree

Classic Marvel STAR WARS Comics #35: DARK LORD'S GAMBIT

Image   Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics Issue 35 "DARK LORD'S GAMBIT" (February 1980) features Darth Vader at his manipulative finest. As the title suggests, Vader succeeds in manipulating the Tagge family and Luke Skywalker into vulnerable positions he can then exploit at his leisure. This issue also features Leia in a miniskirt, and it's quite shocking!   Richard and Sarah discuss this comic, the artwork and writing, and find FTOOM! Fast Facts (classic comic people or places that appear now in Star Wars books, comics and films). Ready? VOOORP!!   Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics is on YouTube! Watch and read along with us.   Since this comic series lends itself so well to a visuals, we recommend watching on YouTube. We will continue to describe the issues as we're talking, for those of you who are visually impaired.     Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics #35 “Dark Lord's Gambit" Description:   Title: &

352: Book of Boba Fett

THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT blew us away, and we share our thoughts on the first two Chapters. “Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land” laid out the story structure - a mix of present-day Boba Fett and his Bacta Tank visions of his past. “Chapter 2: Tribes of Tatooine” hit us hard with nostalgia and Dances With Wolves vibes. WOW! Joining us for part of the discussion is Spencer Jawitz ( SWCA Facebook Group Admin , Boonta Eve Cantina Organizer).  Spencer also shares more details about Boonta Eve Cantina - the in-person event and our live podcast held right before Star Wars Celebration this May and what you can do to also take part. Learn more here or watch our Announcement Video: Sign up for the Skywalking Network Newsletter Never miss a podcast, Zoom discussion link or Pop Culture Trivia! Check out these SKYwalking NETwork Podcasts: Resilience Squadron - Sharing the adventures and challenges of disabled fans across and in the Star Wars univ