339: 08/25/77 Star Wars in "Rolling Stone" Magazine
Do you know what happened on this day in Star Wars history? On Aug. 25th 1977, Luke, Han, Leia and Chewbacca made the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. This issue features one of the first in-depth interviews with George Lucas, and we share all the good parts! Lucas speaks about the struggles of getting Star Wars off the ground, storylines he wants to revisit in future films (this is the first time he mentions Vader getting burnt up in the volcanic pit), he also talks about how he would be so happy to go back and redo the special effects since he was so disappointed in them, and so much more. We’ve uploaded all the article pages here in our show notes so you can follow along as you listen. Sign up for the Skywalking Network Newsletter Never miss a podcast, Zoom discussion link or Pop Culture Trivia! Check out these SKYwalking NETwork Podcasts: Resilience Squadron - Sharing the adventures and challenges of disabled fans across and in the Star Wars universe Classic Marvel...