Classic Marvel Star Wars Comic #32: "The Jawa Express!"
Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics Issue 32 "The Jawa Express" (November 1979) builds upon the nostalgia factor of Issue 31 with its Tatooine location. Only this time, Luke, Han, Chewie and the droids are stuck out in the Dune Sea. While trying to hide from the Empire and fix their overheating landspeeder, they run into Jawas and a strange object that looks like a moisture vaporator. This issue is all action! Richard and Sarah discuss this comic and find FTOOM! Fast Facts (classic comic people or places that appear now in Star Wars books, comics and films). There are plenty of these, especially as they relate to classic Kenner toys like the Jawa Sandcrawler and the Imperial Troop Transporter! We were also flabbergasted to find our heroes actually teaming up with the Jawas. Watch the Unedited Episode and See the Comic Book Pages in this Video Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics #32 “Jawa Express"...