CMSWC #30: "A Princess Alone"
In Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics Issue 30 "A Princess Alone" (September 1979), Princess Leia travels to an Imperial factory to spread the message of hope to its servants. She is confronted by Baron Tagge, but also encounters a little girl in a surprisingly touching interaction. Richard and Sarah discuss this comic and find FTOOM! Fast Facts (classic comic people or places that appear now in Star Wars books, comics and films). There are foreshadowing moments to Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Pulp Fiction ! Also we do a dramatic reading of the Hostess/Marvel crossover Twinkies ad titled, ‘Spider-Man Meets June Jitsui’! Check out our new Twitch channel to see the comic and ad as we talk about each page. Watch the Unedited Episode and See the Comic Book Pages in this Video Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics #30 “A Princess Alone" Description: Title: "A PRINCESS ALONE" Release Date: September 25t...