Classic Marvel STAR WARS Comics #26: "DOOM Mission!"
Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics #26 “DOOM Mission!” is the finale of a 2-part storyline involving Luke and Leia exploring shady business surrounding the planet Yavin and discovering a hidden Imperial base run by Baron Tagge. You're in for a treat with this rousing issue featuring death-defying action, Leia gaining strength through a good cry and Luke using the Force as a guide. Richard and Sarah discuss the comic and find FTOOM! Fast Facts (classic comic things that appear now in Star Wars books, comics and films.) Title: "DOOM MISSION" Release Date: May 22, 1979 Writer: Archie Goodwin Artwork: Carmine Infantino, Bob Wiacek, Petra Goldberg Cover Art: Carmine Infantino / Bob Wiacek Consulting Editor: Jim Shooter Synopsis: Luke and Leia are being attacked by two TIE fighters. Just as the situation appears hopeless, X-wings arrive and destroy the two enemy fighters. Once Luke and Leia get back to the base, they inform General Dodonna about the TIE f...